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Clarks Mills Sportsmans Club

Clarks Mills Sportsmen’s Club has a long history of service to Manitowoc County and partnership with Manitowoc Fish & Game. Participation by legacy members like Joe Gintner shaped the future of Manitowoc County and its land and resources. The club has supported a variety of area projects and has been involved in the development of the Annual Banquet generating significant funding for community projects.

Meeting Day

First Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Clubhouse
Buck contest for deer gun and bow hunting (members Only)
Spring Turkey contest (members only) 
Statewide Ice Fishing Derby - 1st weekend in March (public)
Gun Buck contest for Public - Friday before Gun Raffle
Gun Raffle - 1st weekend in February
Picnic and Tractor Pull- Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July. Rain date is Sunday
Spring Trap league - 6 Sundays - March and April 

Clubhouse Location

81 Sportsmans Lane (off Clarks Mills Road)
Reedsville, WI 54230 (Google Maps uses post office city)
(actual location is in Clarks Mills) 

Mailing Address

John McCarthy, Treasurer
11205 Morgan Rd 
Reedsville, WI 54230 

Contact Person

James Pederson
Phone: 920-775-4741

Club Membership

Contact James Pederson at 920-775-4472
$10 per person

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Board Members:

President: Mike Leist, Sr.
Vice President: Jim Pederson

Treasurer: John McCarthy
Secretary: Steve Mangin

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